Hi!Β  πŸ‘‹ Welcome! I'm Lisa Marie Nickle, Oh yay! 😘 Thanks for checkin' me out. I mean, not literally because this ain't a library! πŸ˜‰

Oh, you didn't come for the #momjokes? You're here because we've either met at an SRC event, a local drum circle, or maybe you were my barista at a coffee shop and I told you about those gluten-free biscuits. Or maybe you stumbled upon me from some random site featuring some writing or graphics I've created on the interweb (good job SEO!)? OR maybe we haven't met yet, and you're just curious. I am too. We're gonna get along jusssssttt fine.

However you got here, I extend my warmest welcome. I already love you. Pull up a chair in this corner of the web. Let's sip a warm (or cold if you're me) bevy while we talk offerings. Yours and mine.

My current offers center around CREATIVITY expressed in the form ofΒ 

Just know they'll all be FUN!Β 

Forget corporate, stuffy, bullshiz. It's 2024 and we all want more freedom of time, money and play. I can help!Β 

I'd also love to know more about you and what you have to offer. I'm always open for bartering/exchanges of a non-monetary nature AND either way, I LOVE building connections for my connections. That's ultimately what my purpose is right now... is connecting the connectors. We need each other πŸ’š.Β 

Let's hang out and see if we're the right fit for each other! Coffee? A meal? A walk in Garden of the Gods or at Red Rocks Open Space? Or even on the web via video (thanks technology!)

I'm in.Β 

Email me at LMNOcreativeco@gmail.com or find me on Instagram. You can also text me! I love texting. Dial me at 719.425.9093